Grouping tournament rounds

  • stephan.jones's Avatar
    Level 1
    quick question how do I go in and select only tournament rounds so that I can identify why im shooting higher scores in my events.
    Last edited by stephan.jones; 01-08-22 at 12:16.
  • 1 Reply

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @stephan.jones,

    Thank you for reaching out. I'm sure you're not the only person who's considered this.

    At the moment, you cannot filter by specific rounds but this is something that's in the pipeline. However, there are a few areas to look at that can provide insight.

    Firstly, looking through your Activities feed where you can see the four departments of your game at a high level view. I appreciate you will likely have non-tournament rounds in there along with practice but you will be able to see what areas you weren't so good in for each tournament. H

    You can also search for specific words within the activity title. For example, if you played in a 2-day event that you named "South Florida Classic" and you typed that into the search box, only those rounds would show.

    You can also use is Round Insights. To get there you go onto a round and then click/tap on the Round Insights tab at the top. This will give you a detailed breakdown for that specific round.

    Lastly, we advise looking at What To Work On. Again, this will include both non-tournament and off-course data but it will show you your golfing DNA and elaborate on where you need to focus your practice.

    Hope that helps but let me know if there is anything else and thank you again for reaching out!
