What new features would you like to see?

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello everyone!

    We want to make sure that we can gather your ideas on how to improve Clippd, and also keep you up to date with what's being worked on at our end. This is where we'll post updates between the bigger new features releases, such as those we shipped in January and February.

    As always, let us know your questions, suggestions and thoughts — they're what's driving the development of the platform!

    Got a question? Let us know!
    Last edited by Josh; 09-03-22 at 10:09.
  • 14 Replies

  • stownders's Avatar
    Level 3
    Hey @Josh , just wondering if you’re looking to enable us or it’s already possible to filter time periods to be able to compare before and after changes in practice or technique? Cheers
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @stownders, it's a great question and it is 100% in the plans to do so. In time, we want to give you the golfer more control in terms of customising what you can see on the platform and enabling time based (or weather/course type based etc) comparisons. At the moment, the team are busy working on a mix of features, including the ability to manually upload an activity to Clippd (such as a range session or putting session) with the ability to post images and video. We hope this will enable the start of better communication between golfer and coach on the platform.

    Equally we have more features coming through, the big one being "What to work on" which we are excited about and have had great feedback on so far. Here we are looking to deeply analyse each individuals data and identify areas of the game that could be focussed on - based on the relative importance of that part of the game, recent trend and the opportunity to improve, all based on your data.
    Last edited by Josh; 17-03-22 at 14:17.
  • jakebolton12's Avatar
    Level 2
    @stownders totally agree. Would love to see a time filter. Think its important to see where each facet of the game is at for example after a 4 round tourney rather than over the last 20 rounds etc which in some cases could skew some numbers. Only a suggestion but a breakdown filter of 40 rounds, 24 rounds, 12 rounds, 4 rounds could potentially be a lot more beneficial in terms of stat readings. Or could even have a time filter of “year/season, 6 months, 3 months, 30 days, 7 days”
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Thanks for adding Jake and think your suggestions of the filtering options make a lot of sense. As @stownders mentioned, being able to see trends following on from technique/practice or even equipment changes would be a very useful tool for you to have and is why it's in our plans to do so for you 👍
    Last edited by Josh; 04-02-22 at 11:51.
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @jakebolton12 and @stownders following on from your comments (thank you again!) I thought I'd link you to our post on the Latest Release for Clippd just in case you hadn't seen. There's some really neat additions including the Practice drills in the Clippd Capture Micro App, I found the wedge ladder particularly addictive. Take a look if you get chance and as always, any questions just shout!

    Last edited by Josh; 07-02-22 at 12:31.
  • heynance's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Josh I am a 15 index 68-year old woman. I love technology and data; you have a fabulous product. I would love to see greater granularity in the data. “Over 5” index doesn’t seem that useful; could you add 6-10, 11-15, 16-20? For example, I drive the ball 170+ yards, which I believe is pretty good for my age/index, yet the feedback is this is the highest priority area to work on. Second comment, I use the Arccos system and will find data entry errors which I correct in Arccos and update in Clippd, yet nothing updates. This is a consistent bug.
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Josh I am a 15 index 68-year old woman. I love technology and data; you have a fabulous product. I would love to see greater granularity in the data. “Over 5” index doesn’t seem that useful; could you add 6-10, 11-15, 16-20? For example, I drive the ball 170+ yards, which I believe is pretty good for my age/index, yet the feedback is this is the highest priority area to work on. Second comment, I use the Arccos system and will find data entry errors which I correct in Arccos and update in Clippd, yet nothing updates. This is a consistent bug.

    Hi @heynance, thank you for reaching out! I'm going to speak with the product team and get back to you. The feedback and points you've raised are very helpful as there may be others here who've thought or experienced similar.

    As soon as I have an update for you I'll be back in touch!
    Clippd's Community Manager
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Josh I am a 15 index 68-year old woman. I love technology and data; you have a fabulous product. I would love to see greater granularity in the data. “Over 5” index doesn’t seem that useful; could you add 6-10, 11-15, 16-20? For example, I drive the ball 170+ yards, which I believe is pretty good for my age/index, yet the feedback is this is the highest priority area to work on. Second comment, I use the Arccos system and will find data entry errors which I correct in Arccos and update in Clippd, yet nothing updates. This is a consistent bug.

    Hi @heynance

    I've now been able to speak with the product team, thank you for bearing with me.

    When it comes to What To Work On, it doesn't actually factor in playing ability, it's purely based on what affects your scoring. So in your case, the Clippd Algorithm has worked out that your scoring is sensitive to your driving and sees an opportunity for it to get better based on your recent rounds (when its been wet). The algorithm wants you to keep working on it as an effective way to improve your scoring.

    The round you played a few weeks ago (6th December) and informed us of issues, we've found that we weren't "receiving" the pin locations for a number of holes from Arccos which was causing the issue. We have updated the pin locations and it's now correct in Clippd. The team also found that there were two rounds that had similar data discrepancies. For the rounds we ran refresh from source (guide here) on your behalf and these have been successfully updated. These rounds were on December 14th and 15th.

    They also ran one final check on your account and can confirm that everything should now be in order. To mitigate this happening in the future for you, we would advise making sure your Arccos is showing correct data before it pulls through to Clippd. This will remove the need to do 'refresh from source'.

    I hope all of the above helps but if there is anything else now or in the future please don't hesitate to reach out.
  • matt.bradshaw's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi Josh

    It would be good to see the below options if possible:

    - On putting performance it lists the shot quality and strokes gained by putting range. Can we add a make % to these charts too?
    - On short game performance it lists the shot quality and strokes gained by shot type and range. Can we add a proximity to these charts too to highlight areas to focus on?
    - On approach could we tailor this to also be filtered by club used in order to highlight certain club's performance and miss tendencies?
