Got a question? Let us know

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @hipp

    Leave this one with me and I'll speak with the team.
    Clippd's Community Manager
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    The team are able to do this for you but we just need confirmation on what Player subscription model you would like to be on?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot2023-11-10at08.00.32.png 
Views:	938 
Size:	74.4 KB 
ID:	1203
  • cdm's Avatar
    Level 1
    Is there an estimate of when Garmin full integration will be available? It seems that the previous Garmin work-around isn't functional at all. I worked out a way to copy-and-paste the Garmin round URL on my computer and then email that link to myself. I then opened the email on my phone and copy and pasted it into Clippd capture. But, even though the round is clearly un-locked on Garmin, Clippd Capture always tell me that the round is locked and can't be uploaded. I'm eager to use Clippd and turn my trail membership into a regular membership. But, as a Garmin user, if there isn't working Garmin integration, I think the data collection for Clippd will be more cumbersome than I care to take on. Thanks.
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Thanks for reaching out.

    We're actively working with Garmin on the full integration and are hoping to be providing everyone with an update in 2024.

    We appreciate that for the time being, our Garmin users may want to pause their Clippd subscription whilst this process is being worked on and that is something you can do via Settings in Clippd. Alternatively, if you did want to try manual entry with Clippd Capture as a temporary option, it is free to use and also has houses our suite of practice drills.

    Apologies for the current complications but hopefully the above all makes sense. If there is anything else at all then don't hesitate to let me know.
  • leslie.simmons's Avatar
    Level 1

    I started working with two students who already use Clippd. How do I add them to my student group so that I can see their data?

    Thank you.
  • dan0bar's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @Dan and everybody!
    I have a question regarding the single club performance statistics.
    I only started using Clippd and enjoy it really much. So far I recorded only 2 rounds and find it really cool how deep you can look into your own game.
    I find it really cool how the app gives you information about your SG grouped on yardage. But I wonder if there is or will be in the future same statistics based not on the yardage you had but on the club you used. For example downwind 150m and into the wind 110m I will use the same 9I and as of now it will be grouped into different yardage groups. And I would like to have an overview about how the club performs overall.
    I hope it does make sense.
    Thank you in advance!
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    It's great to hear you have more students using Clippd. Adding them as a player of yours is easy, just search for them at the top of Clippd and then Add Player. They will then get a notification to accept the request which they need to accept.

    Here's a quick video explaining the process

    Hope that helps but let me know if you have any other question!
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    This is a great question, leave it with me and I'll speak with the team!
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    I have spoken with the team and it's absolutely something we want to provide people with in the future! However, at the moment the best place to get club by club insights is when you go onto your Performance Dashboard for APP, at the bottom there is a box called APP Club Usage and this gives you some basic stats for each club you've used.

    It's really great to hear you're enjoying Clippd, it's our main aim. Give people more enjoyment from their golf! If there is ever anything you're unsure about I'll always be on hand to answer so don't hesitate to reach out.