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  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @colinbdaly

    Thanks for raising, it's an interesting point and I'll speak with the team here. In the meantime, you can see the distance left for every shot on the scorecard view for a round but they'll take this onboard.
    Clippd's Community Manager
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    I wanted to edit a shot I hit from today (change from recovery to layup). This was my second shot. The only way I can edit older shots is by deleting the ones after it? This would be deleting shots 3 and 4, just to edit a detail on shot 2. That has got to be a bug...

    The process was designed this way because if you substantially change the data of a shot or the shot has been entered when it should not have been, it can change the following shots also substantially.

    However, it's also something that I'll speak with the team on. The feedback is vital.
  • colinbdaly's Avatar
    Level 3
    The process was designed this way because if you substantially change the data of a shot or the shot has been entered when it should not have been, it can change the following shots also substantially.

    However, it's also something that I'll speak with the team on. The feedback is vital.

    It makes it very difficult to screen capture what the other shots were and also error prone when putting it back in.
  • colinbdaly's Avatar
    Level 3
    Curious for a little insight on these two shots. So if 250 yds OTT with a driver to the fairway is a 100, why is 235 yds to the fairway with a 3W so much lower? Is the scoring not accounting for club used?
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  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    “Hi Colin,

    I’ve checked in with the team on this one to be sure. The Shot Quality score does not factor in club used. The reason the score is a lower is because although you may have hit a good shot for you, you still have a long way in. Don’t forget that Shot Quality is benchmarked to a male tour player and there would be an expectation that they would be able to reach the green in two on a 543 yard hole.”
  • jack7890's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Josh two questions:
    1. Is it possible to export data from Clippd?
    2. Arccos says that I lose the most (by far) strokes gained from putting and yet in Clippd my Player Quality Score is the highest (by far) for putting. Why would they be so inconsistent?
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @jack7890

    Thanks for reaching out.

    At the moment there isn't a way, beyond manually entering the data into another system, to export your Clippd data.

    Your second point is a great question. When it comes to putting, the gap between the average male tour professional (Player Quality of 100) and everyone else is smaller than the other areas of the game. For instance, your average 5 handicap is statistically more likely to hole a 10ft putt than hit a drive like Rory McIlroy. This means that most Clippd members will see their putting as either the highest, or second highest for Player Quality.

    However, in Arccos, your Strokes Gained numbers are based on how you compare to a similar standard of player. What this means is that actually, compared to players of a similar standard, you're not as good as them at putting.

    In Clippd, you can change what level of player you compare yourself to in the Performance Dashboards. To do this, go to Settings and then Display Preferences where you'll see the dropdown. (Here's the link to the guide just in case) What you may find is that if you change the comparison to a standard level to you, your PUTT Player Quality is lower than the comparison. Here's an image of my putting compared to a a plus handicap as an example.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	1189

    I hope that helps but let me know if you have any questions!
    Last edited by Josh; 09-11-23 at 09:11.
  • colinbdaly's Avatar
    Level 3
    When you play a round, look at the scorecard, it shows you scores and shot qualities per hole on previous rounds. Is there a way to just look at the course itself to see how you're doing hole by hole, where you're missing tee shots, shot qualities by hole, etc? Or is it exclusively just "how you did on this hole last time" when looking at the latest scorecard?
  • hipp's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Dan I mistakenly set up my Clippd account as a coach, but it's for my son. How do I change it to a "player" account?
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @colinbdaly,

    So sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this one!

    At the moment, that graph is just showing you your score and the average Shot Quality for that hole.