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  • mendiegk's Avatar
    Level 1
    When hitting approach shots into a green, just putting how far from pin you were is not enough imo... Yesterday i hit a shot 143 (13yds over the pin) but it shows my distance shot as 117 (13yds short of pin). If using true strokes gained, surely we should be able to put where the pin was located on the green? or at least where the ball finished in relation to the pin?

    Happy to be corrected if i am missing anything of course!
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @mendiegk

    Thanks for reaching out, it's a great point and I've spoken with our Product Team about it.

    Our initial plan for Clippd Capture was to create an easy-to-use manual data entry tool that required the minimum amount of data to light up all the dashboards in Clippd. This is Fast Mode. We then added Enhanced Mode to see how many of our users would be prepared to input the extra data. Your example and others shows how many users are prepared to spend the time and effort to input the extra information, hence why we are currently looking into enhancing Clippd Capture.

    In terms of Strokes Gained or Shot Quality, the end location of the shot in relation to the pin has no impact. Only the end distance and lie.

    hopefully that makes sense but let me know if there's any further questions. And again, thanks for asking!
    Clippd's Community Manager
  • mendiegk's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Josh this is really useful. I can see how your roadmap makes sense. I also think this shows why being able to input on laptop would be essential too.

    for me understanding where I miss is key, but not just when I miss the green.

    if I’m consistently 10yds short of my target (GIR or not) then that’s something I can work on (hit more club for example).

    also, sorry to be a pain. Yesterday I played greens that are up to 40yds deep with pins 35yds on.

    that means the hole is 15yds longer than normal. So when I select 150 left for my second shot, that will subsequently show my tee shot as being 15yds shorter - 5% less than a 300yd average.
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @mendiegk

    Apologies for the delay! I've spoken with the team who've suggested that when you play a hole that's similar to the example you gave, add the extra 15-20 yards. We developed the ability to change hole length as we know during tournaments etc tees/pins are moved and can be quite a substantial difference.

    Here's a link on the community on how to change the distance of a hole (point 8). Guide here
  • mirayalurie2's Avatar
    Level 2

    I am currently trying out Clippd. I carry five wedges - SW, LW, GW, PW and a 52. How do I enter the 5th into my bag, if the app only accomodates four?
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Thank you for reaching out!

    At the moment the best work around would be for you to mark any shots hit with either your 52 or your gap wedge, as a gap wedge shot. We appreciate that this will alter one of your panels on the ARG Dashboard but your data would still be correct.

    This question has been raised with the Product Team and is really useful feedback that will go towards potential development.
  • colinbdaly's Avatar
    Level 3
    I had a hole where I went OB, but didn't retee. I used the new local rule of taking two penalty strokes and dropping in the fairway where you went out. Clippd doesn't seem to let me have shot 2 and 3 be penalties, and shot 4 start from the fairway. It wants shot 3 off the tee or that's it. I don't want to enter shot 3 as where I ended up in the fairway since that would mess up my data as it's a shot I didn't hit.
  • colinbdaly's Avatar
    Level 3
    ...similarly. There's a hole where I picked up (didn't put out). There should be a way to mark as picked up or something. In both instances I had to delete all the shots I did take in order to save the round.

    Couple other questions from inputting my first round:
    What if I was in the wrong fairway? Should that be marked as rough left/right?
    The enhanced data asks for the shape of the par 4 and par 5 holes. Will this be saved round to round or do I enter hole shape for the same course each time?
  • markrobson's Avatar
    Level 1
    Good afternoon,

    Hoping someone can help. I have Clippd connected to Arccos and it's been working very well; however, I played this morning and can see my round in Arccos but when I try and refresh the data from Clippd, I just get a message saying "There are no new activities to load."

    Is there something I can do to force the refresh and have the round come through?

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  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Thanks for reaching out! You should have received an email from our Support Team this afternoon regarding your issue with Arccos which we're looking to resolve.

    If you haven't do let me know and I can re-send one.

    Thanks again!