Practise drills

  • neil's Avatar
    Level 2

    With regards to practise drills, are we able to create our own drills, i enjoy the shot quality i get from the drills alot, however would like to see or add more drills to be able to measure shot quality, for example bunker practice, etc.

    Thank you,
  • 13 Replies

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Thanks for reaching out and I'm delighted to hear you're enjoying seeing your Shot Quality during practice. Do you have a favourite drill? I've found the wedge ladder has helped my distance control.

    At the moment you can't create and save your own drills. However, this is something we're looking at for the future.

    Finally, on bunker practice, we have a new drill coming soon for this amongst others. Keep your eyes peeled!

    Speak soon and play well

    Clippd's Community Manager
  • neil's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Josh thank you Josh. I love ladder drill, jusy a bit of a struggle as i dont have a range near me, only a open field. Need invest in a cheap launch monitor.
    That os awesome news, i was practising in the bunker, that is where the question came from.

    I am really loving the app, using the what to work on alot, truly awesome job!

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    I see! Sounds like a great excuse to buy one, not that is golfers need any excuses for more gear!

    That’s so good to hear and I’ll be sharing it with the team. They’ll really appreciate hearing it 👍🏼
  • neil's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Josh no I dont need any excuses, i have so much, if you walk into my house you'll think im sposored by a training aid and golf tech company. Then you watch me play and think wow that guy must have money to burn cause they arent working. Haha

    Awesome please give my feedback, i am very impressed. Cause if I am correct and dont know this factually but it is still a relatively new app and platform. I do enjoy it and if it is new and you guys ever want some feedback or if I spot anything that can help ill send it through.

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @neil I'm sure that's not the case! Hopefully Clippd proves to be the training aid you've been looking for!

    We are indeed! We launched in October 2022 so still very much growing and developing. Feedback has been a key driver for us so if there is anything you spot or think of never hesitate to let me know. The Community here is the best place to do it along with reading all our guides.
  • neil's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Josh awesome thank you. I just love the focussed approached to training and the stats so much, as i alway just walk on the filed and hit 80 7 irons and pick them up with no real goal. So this is awesome.
  • mjd80's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Josh Can you easily compare scores of the same drills over a period of time. So if do a round the world drill can I easily see if I have had steady improvement...
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @mjd80,

    At the moment, there is no specific location where you can see a graph showing progression over time on a specific drill. However, a workaround would be to go onto Clippd Capture, then click Activities at the bottom of your phone screen. Then, you can filter onto Practice Drills and choose which area (OTT, APP, ARG or PUTT). Once you click Apply, you'll see all the drills you've completed in that area and hopefully be able to get an idea of how you're doing.

    Another really simple way is once you've completed a drill, you'll see your score for that attempt and what your PB is.

    I hope that helps. I have forwarded on your comment to the team as it's something that can be considered moving forward, if it's not already!
  • mjd80's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thanks Josh, new to Clippd and love being able to enter practice into the app rather than spreadsheets!!