Clippd's latest release is here, find out what's included below.

Enhanced Putting
Clippd subscribers that have been entering Enhanced Putting data through Clippd Capture will now be able to see their putting DNA in greater detail. You'll be able to see the following:- Miss tendencies across all distances
- Speed control
- Average Shot Quality/Make % by Break
- Average Shot Quality/Make % by Slope
Clippd Capture - search nearby
- When you search for a course on Clippd Capture, you will initially see a list of courses that are nearby. Once you start typing for a specific course, the results will change based upon what you've typed.
- We have also 'boosted' popular courses to appear near the top of our search results.
Note: We will prompt you to share your location.
Clippd Capture - new lies
- We have added new lies to Clippd Capture; pine straw, waste area and fringe. All these lies are factored into your Shot Quality calculations.
User profile and bug fixes
- We have added additional playing ability categories for when you set your profile up.
- We have implemented several bug fixes and UI changes in both Clippd and Clippd Capture. These were issues raised by you, the Clippd Community, so thank you!
Last edited by Josh; 04-05-23 at 09:04.
Clippd's Community Manager