Clippd release: January 2023

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi all,
    We hope you've had a great start to the year and even managed to squeeze some golf in for those in warmer climates! We're starting 2023 on a positive note with our latest release, which includes the following:

    Like πŸ‘

    You can now like a fellow golfer's Activity in Clippd. First, make sure you're following them and then, if you like what they're doing and want to given them some encouragement, click the thumbs up icon underneath their Activity.

    Yards to metres πŸ“

    You now have the option to choose whether your distances are shown in yards or metres. This had been raised by a number of our users, and is another great example of you, the Clippd Community, helping to shape the platform. Read our guide on how to choose metres or yards HERE

    Referrals πŸŒοΈβ€β™€οΈ

    With so many of you referring your friends, coaches and teammates we thought it would be useful for you to keep track. You can now see all the referrals you've successfully made within Clippd. Head to Settings and then click Subscription.

    Bug fixes 🐞

    The team at Clippd HQ have also ironed out several bugs within the platform, which is great news. These are often brought to our attention by you so please continue letting us know if you've noticed anything unusual when using Clippd.

    Did you find this useful? If so, leave a πŸ‘ below!
    If you have a question, click 'Reply to Thread' below and we'll get back to you.

    Last edited by Josh; 05-01-23 at 14:18.
    Clippd's Community Manager
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