Clippd Release: October 2022 - New performance benchmark

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Clippd's new performance benchmark has gone live and the keen eyed among you may have seen some changes to your Shot Quality and Player Quality scores.

    Here's a quick explainer as to what's changed:

    The good news πŸ‘

    Clippd's new performance benchmark is based on PGA Tour and DP World tour data from 2018-2021. This means it is a much more accurate representation of your skill compared to an average, current tour player. The previous benchmark was based on the data used by Professor Mark Broadie for Strokes Gained, which represented shots from the PGA Tour between 2003-2010.

    Rest assured the benchmarks still account for distance to hole, lie, weather, course conditions and course difficulty.

    The bad news πŸ‘Ž

    Unfortunately, there is some bad news! You will likely see a decrease in your Player Quality scores due to just how good those at the top of the game are now across all departments! However, as mentioned above, the changes we have made are to create a much more accurate representation of you as a golfer.

    What will change

    You may see changes to the following:

    • Your Overall Player Quality numbers
    • The Shot Quality for individual shots
    • Your What To Work On

    Useful links

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    Last edited by Josh; 19-10-22 at 09:27.
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