What new features would you like to see?

  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi Josh

    It would be good to see the below options if possible:

    - On putting performance it lists the shot quality and strokes gained by putting range. Can we add a make % to these charts too?
    - On short game performance it lists the shot quality and strokes gained by shot type and range. Can we add a proximity to these charts too to highlight areas to focus on?
    - On approach could we tailor this to also be filtered by club used in order to highlight certain club's performance and miss tendencies?


    Hi @matt.bradshaw, thanks for posting!

    We do actually show your 1-putt percentage on your PUTT dashboard. To get there, click your PUTT Shot Quality ring on your Dashboard then scroll down and you'll see a graph titled 'Your 1-Putt %'. There is also made/miss details for each range in your PUTT What To Work On.

    For you ARG proximity, you can see this by going onto you What To Work On and selecting ARG on the Importance to Scoring wheel. At the bottom of this page is a graph called 'Proximity to Hole'. This shows you your average proximity to hole for ARG for your last 20 rounds. It also allows you to break it down to 0-15 yards, 15-30 and 30-50 and change as well as giving you a tour average. You can change between Fairway, Sand and Rough for your lie!

    In your APP (and ARG) dashboard, there's a graph called APP Club Usage. There you can see a graph called APP Club Usage. This is showing you your average proximity with your clubs and how often (as a percentage, just click on mobile or hover on desktop) you're using them compared to the rest of your clubs. At the moment it doesn't show you mis-tendencies but this is something we will look at in the future for sure!

    How does the above sound?
    Clippd's Community Manager
  • steve.matthews's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Josh would love to see the ability to link other brands of launch monitor. i.e. Flightscope
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Thanks for posting.

    Our goal is to be a global aggregator for all golf technologies, Flightscope included.

    We're in constant discussions with many of golf's leading data capture technologies and will be making sure everyone is aware when a new integration is possible.

    I hope that helps!
  • drclick's Avatar
    Level 1
    Would love to see shot by shot on course with map. Expanded green view with pin placement and each shot, contours/heatmap/break map. This is a shortcoming in arccos ui. (GPS for each putt is in the shot data but now shown in UI).
  • Josh's Avatar
    Community Manager

    I understand the team have responded via email but wanted to post here also in case others are thinking the same!

    Hope you are well and thanks for the feedback.

    We are glad to hear you enjoying the data and insights. We're still very much in the build phase of the platform and are focusing on the data and insights at the moment. Our next phase will be how we present this data back to users in more engaging ways like you mentioned. As putting seems to be a key point for you it's worth mentioning that we have already built Enhanced Putting for Capture users which shows your miss tendencies depending on break and slope as well as much more.

    The feedback from our users is so valuable to us so please do keep it coming.